Photoshop Creative

Photoshop Creative

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  • Categoria: Photoshop
  • Autores: eMag, Jo Cole
  • Quantidade de Páginas: 87
  • Data de Inclusão: 07/05/2016
  • Formato do Arquivo: PDF
  • Tamanho do Arquivo: 14.879 KB

Despite there being a huge and attractive range of photo albums, for most of us the preferred storage method for old photos is a shoebox. Maybe a carrier bag. Possibly a drawer – but certainly not a nice robust album. It seems weird to talk about the best way to store photos in this digital age, because now it’s just a matter of burning a CD to ensure the long life of your precious snaps. But there’s no reason why your other photos should be condemned to a life spent festering away in some dank part of your house. Our feature this issue shows how to scan old photos and then use Photoshop to spruce them up as good as new. We show how to  x common problems and ensure that the images will survive for many generations to come. Turn to page 16 to  nd out more. Our retouching tutorial this issue can also be used to add new life to old photos. On page 52 we reveal how to colour a black-and-white photo. Although a highly stylised e ect, the trick is to keep a strong sense of realism, which is exactly what we show you how to do. Digital artists also have plenty to get stuck into, including the second part of our Digital Painting from Scratch tutorial plus a look at how to re-create one of Turner’s best-loved paintings. We also show how to achieve the paint by numbers e ect seen on issue 11’s cover.

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